



Questionable behaviour involving apparent wilful attempts to obstruct, pervert of defeat the course of justice on two occasions ( Criminal Code Section 139 )


(1)  In April 1987, she used a meeting between herself and my lawyer at the time (Anna Zampini, then with Ralph A. Cohen & Associates) in order to waste time, so that no progress was made in resolving my case.  This meeting was arranged after A.J. Fisher, Service Officer of 306 Wing Royal Canadian Air Force Association, wrote to then-SNC President and C.E.O. Jean-Paul Gourdeau. When I was informed about this scheduled meeting, I was told that the said meeting was to be between the lawyers ONLY – in other words I was excluded.


(2) In November 1987, she suggested in court that my case was – quote -identical to Dr. Short s.. –unquote, when she knew or should have known that this was not the case, in particular with reference to Unemployment Insurance  which I was denied (unlike Dr. Short). This appointment in court was for the purpose of setting a date for my hearing; as a result of this  behaviour by Brigitte Charron, the judge refused to set a date. I was also forced to fire Ralph A. Cohen & Associates for failing to keep track of developments in the Dr. Short case.




Last update: August 11, 2007


1.     Proof as at August 11, 2007 that she used to work for SNC’s Defence lawyers Dunton Rainville:-

-  or, in case this page is – conveniently - moved, or if the references to Charron and other lawyers involved in my case are – conveniently - deleted: CLICK HERE



2.     She was appointed as a Judge of Quebec Superior Court in 1994. Proof: She appears on page 34 in this file  - the Provincial Judges Journal / Hiver 2001-2002 - as the author of an article entitled – quote - A week in Room 13.08 –unquote  (she writes about –quote -…the year 2001 - 2002, my seventh on the bench…- unquote):-


- or, in case this file is – conveniently - removed from the Web: CLICK HERE


See also the current list of Judges (August 11, 2007) of the Cour du Quebec:-


- or, in case this file is – conveniently - removed from the Web, or altered so as to protact Brigitte Charrron at my expense:  CLICK HERE